Can I please borrow your voice for a day? Just one whole day! It's so dope how Shingai can go on singing with her "jazzy" voice and in a split of a second do some intensive "heavy metal-ing".
Ah, I love it oh so much! It's like Led Zeppelin and Billie Holiday gave birth to a child and out came Shingai.
Big ups to Dan Smith (guitarist) and he is damn good at it too. Jamie Morrison on da-da-drums. Such a sick ass trio!
Well, recently the neurons from my brain are sending failed messages to my fingertips because I honestly can't write anymore. I think it's because my brain juice ran out from so much analyzing. A refill is due in time.
Anywho! On to using your temporal and occipital lobes...
Check here for the band's Myspace-o!!
Here is a playlist of their debut album : What's The Time Mr. Wolf?
Noisettes "Whats The Time Mr. Wolf?"
My personal favorites: All of them
I wanted to post some of their music videos here, but YouTube is telling me "nah, chill". So I'm going to give you the link and you can check them out yourself. (You see, I think about those who are lazy)
One last thing and I'll leave you folks alone, they are coming out with their sophmore album: Wild Young Hearts on March 30th
support the Indies!!
THEy are just WOW!!! :)
gotta agree with cha
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